Test Information
The following information will help prepare an individual for a test. Please share this information with the candidates taking the test. This is important information which may help them pass the test the first time.
SCHEDULING AND PROCTORING OPTIONS: For help with scheduling an exam, open this pdf document on navigating scheduling screens. Visit the Proctoring Options page to learn more about Online Proctoring vs. Physical Proctoring. When scheduling your exam you must select which option to schedule. If taking an online exam, you must visit the Webcam Tips page to ensure proper camera and setup.
WHAT TO EXPECT DURING AN ONLINE ASSESSMENT/EXAM: Video of setting up your space for Online exam. Video of candidate guidelines during online exam. Video of showing your ID via the webcam. Online exam checklist.
ASSESSMENT SUBJECTS PAGE: Make sure you visit the "Assessment Subjects" pages using link at top of page to download study guides and other required material for your exams.
​​CODE EDITIONS: See specific exam info and study guides for code editions. We strongly recommend that you purchase and use NFPA handbooks when available. The NFPA handbooks contain all the respective code information, in addition to a lot of other useful study information not found in the individual code books. NFPA standards / codes can be purchased at www.NFPA.org. International Building Code can be purchased at www.ICCSafe.com. ICC handbooks DO NOT contain the code, only commentary. Make sure to purchase the actual ICC code (IBC).
USING PDF VERSIONS OF CODES: You may download and print pdf codes and standards for the exam. You MUST PRINT the codes as you cannot use electronic versions during any exam including online proctored exams. Note that NFPA is moving away from pdf format of codes and will only allow electronic online versions or hard copies. We recommend ordering hard copies from NFPA.org.
CODE TRANSITION: In October 2020 we evaluated all questions up to 2020 editions. Note that the 2019 edition of NFPA 13 is totally reformatted from the 2016 edition. As such, requirements have moved to different chapters and will not be in the same location. A number of exam questions will reference sections/tables in the 2019 editions. Thus, if you are using older editions it may be difficult to find the referenced section/table.
TEST FORMAT: All assessments/exams are computer based. Unless indicated otherwise, all of our assessments are open book. All tests will require that you have the appropriate books, and require that you refer to information such as tables, charts, etc. You are allowed to highlight and tab pages in the book before the assessment. If you use tabs, they must be permanent and not removable (click link for example). Any marking in a book during an exam may disqualify you from that and any future CSA assessments. The testing center may also confiscate the book which may be destroyed at your expense. Assessments are audio and video recorded with proctors monitoring participants locally and in some cases remotely. Assessments are timed with the intent that participants will not be able to look up every question. Participants must be experienced with the material and documents so that when necessary, information can be quickly found within the books. All material taken into the exam must be bound (no loose papers). All assessments are in English. Participants should be comfortable with using a mouse to maneuver around computer screens. Do not take cell phones, pagers, radios, etc. into the test center. Two forms of ID are required (such as drivers license and another form with your name. A user authorization code will be emailed and must be provided to launch your exam.
ADA: If a participant requires any special accommodations such as those covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify CSA at least 30 days in advance of your assessment so that proper arrangements can be made. Requests for accommodations will require submittal of additional documents, usually from a qualified specialists. CSA will provide an ADA packet that outlines necessary criteria based on the accommodations requested.
TO ACCESS USER PORTAL: To schedule your assessment date and time, or access your exam history after 10/2020 go to www.webassessor.com/CSAexams. You must Request an Assessment on this site (CSAexams.com) before you can schedule an exam at the User Portal.
RESCHEDULE OR CANCEL AN EXAM: If you need to cancel or re-schedule an exam with Kryterion, use the link above to access your User Portal. Changes to an existing schedule should be made three days before an exam. Log in using your CA username and PIN/Password that you used to schedule the exam. If you are within the three days, we suggest you try it and see if the system will let you reschedule. Up to three days before appointment you can cancel your current appointment and reschedule at a later time as long as it is within your 60 day window of initial request. Cancelling will only hold your payment within the 60 day window, refunds will not be issued. There are no refunds and no substitutions.
NEW CODE EDITIONS: We realize that some jurisdictions take several years to adopt new codes. However, many adopt new codes within months of issue. We try to accommodate both conditions. Most of our test questions will be based on criteria from the last 3 code cycles. However, during each cycle we will incorporate new questions based on critical new concepts from new codes. Criteria no longer in a code will be removed from the test. When a new concept or change is introduced the question will often start off with a statement such as: "Effective with the 2019 Edition ..." This is your clue that the criteria is different than previous editions.
TO CHALLENGE A QUESTION: If you feel a question was poorly worded or would like to challenge a question, submit the following. You must submit a formal request via email or using the contact form within 14 calendar days of taking the exam. You do not need to know the exact question number or exact wording, but must be able to provide details the question is related too. Explain what the concern is and the related code section. we will review your request and consider any appropriate changes.
AVAILABLE DATES AND LOCATIONS: If you want to check available locations, dates, or times for exams use the link above for the User Portal. You will be able to select an exam and check times. However, you will not be able to actually schedule an exam if you have not received a Voucher from CSA for that specific exam. To see where Kryterion has physical proctoring locations use this link.
TROUBLESHOOTING HELP: such as setting passwords, errors entering voucher code, and more, see our Troubleshooting page under the "More" tab at top.
Frequently Asked Questions: This FAQ page will answer most common questions.
You will need free Adobe Acrobat or another pdf viewer to view pdf documents on this site.
Passing Scores
Unless indicated otherwise, all CSA assessments require an 80% score for passing. If you do not pass an assessment, you are required to pay the full fee and submit a new request to retake the assessment.
CSA assessments require a three year renewal. To renew, participants are required to retake the respective test at the current fee. This avoids having to keep track of professional development hours and other training records while ensuring that participants stay current with code changes.
Book Tabs
CSA allows candidates to tab their pages in books when preparing for exams. You are required to use permanent tabs. Removable/Repositionable tabs such as Post-It notes are not allowed. Permanent tabs can be purchased at office supply stores such as Office Depot, Office Max, or Staples. Examples include Redi-Tag Permanent Index Tabs. We understand that some of the stores may not stock the Redi-Tag which is the best choice. You may want to order on-line from office supply store and have them within a few days. Make sure they are not "Relocatable". Link to Office Depot Redi-Tag. Link to Office Max Redi-Tag.
Time for Exams
Note that your schedule confirmation for a proctoring center may show a different time allocation than what is allotted for your exam. Your study guide will indicate the allowed time for your exam questions. Example: Your allowed exam time may be 2-hours, but the testing center may block out 2.5 hours to allow for signing in.