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Request Assessment




CSA is currently transitioning to a new proctoring company and new exam software.  As a result, any requests that were submitted in September must be taken at PSI testing centers by the end of SEPTEMBER 


PSI has had limited dates available, and has experienced numerous daily closings due to staffing issues and COVID challenges (closings without notice, impacting candidates schedules and wasted travel).   


Due to these challenges, CSA decided on 9/20/2020 to stop taking any new registrations for the remainder of September.  This is a temporary hold as we transition systems. 


We expect our new registration form to be active early October, as we finish proofing the new software and exams. 


So that you are ready for the new system, please be prepared to include a candidate's head-shot photo and payment when you submit a Request for Assessment.  Payment and photo (such as .jpg file) are required with new Requests.  New fees are indicated under the Assessment Subject pages. 


Please review the Proctoring Options and Webcam Tips links at the top of the page to help determine which way you want to take your exam. 


Please join our Email list below for updated information.  We appreciate your patience as we make this much needed transition between systems and proctoring companies.  


We will Email to the Email list as registrations are open and as exams are ready to be taken.


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Important Updates:

This space will be used to provide important information such as holiday schedules, updated exams, etc.


Big enhancements coming to CSA October 2020.  With these enhancements there will be some changes.  Watch for updates as we phase in enhancements.   Some changes will include:

1) Payments will be required at time of making request for assessments (this page in future)

2) To verify candidate and improve quality of ID photos, pictures will be submitted by user when requesting assessments (via drag & drop upload) and verified by proctors.  

3) Exams are being evaluated to new codes.  This includes new questions and new breakdown of topics to help identify missed questions.  Study guides will also be updated to help prepare for exams. 

4) There will be increased fees with new system.

At this time, you will do nothing different.  We will post and email more information as it becomes available.

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